Friday 20 July 2018

Made Men Tell No Tales: The Ancestor Podcast

During one early episode of The Affair's Current, with my co-host Adam Barrett, I mentioned that we had co-hosted a movie podcast together in high school. I had thought it lost to the mists of digital time, and likely for the best.

However, poking around, I was able to find it still existing on the internet. So, in the spirit of generosity and in light of the lack of  new content in the near future, I present:

The Made Men Tell No Tales Podcast

If you ever wanted to hear an (even more) awkward, teenage me talk about movies, you are in great luck. I haven't actually gone back and listened to the archives, but who knows what awaits the brave who do!

Message from Carter: Patreon (and a Small Update)

In preparation for some (hopefully) upcoming projects in the new year, I have decided to set a Patreon account for myself here:

All of my content will always remain free to the extent that I am able to control that, but if you've ever felt the work posted here, or the other stuff I have done online, was worth something, consider pitching a couple of dollars my way. The Patreon is also a good way to keep up with my different writings and other projects on the go at any time, outside of the podcast.

The podcast is currently on a hiatus as I will be out of Canada until December. However, I do plan to come back in the new year, perhaps with a reformatting, in order to get a better produced and more regularly-released show. I will also be looking for guests and co-hosts on a variety of topics, so, if you would like to contribute, hit me up either here or via email.

Thank you to all who have listened so far.

Carter Vance